how assigned to standing committee for review
3 (1)(r), 13 (2)
legislative history of review of, see Joint Rule 78
report by standing committee or JCRAR
after review of proposed 20
report with objections, referral to JCRAR
3 (1)(r)
scheduled for floor action:
report without recommendation, after 30 days
15 (6)
special ordered, after 40 days
33 (7)
withdrawal and rereferral of proposed administrative
rule by speaker 13 (2)(b)
withdrawal of proposed administrative rule,
speaker provides notice of 3 (1)(r), 13 (2)(a)
Admission to floor of assembly chamber:
by action of assembly 25 (4)
limitations 25
open from one hour before daily session to one hour
after daily adjournment 6 (1)(d)
presiding officer may grant 25 (4)
sergeant at arms supervises coming and going
6 (1)(b)
those permitted 25
Adverse and final disposition:
list of methods 49 (1)
motion not permitted twice on same day at same stage
of proposal 72
once determined, substantially similar proposal
not to originate in assembly in same session
49 (2)
subject to reconsideration only in accordance with rule 73 49 (1)
Advice and consent of assembly 51m
presiding officer may take point of order under
62 (3)(b)
question under: may be expanded
69 (4)
Aging and long-term care, committee on (standing committee) 9 (1)(a)
Agriculture, committee on (standing committee)
9 (1)(b)
Amend a proposal or motion, precedence of motion for
65 (2)(g)
amendment to amendment 52 (2), 55 (2)(b)
changes not permitted in amendments prepared by
legislative reference bureau 39 (3), 53
changing or amending rules requires assembly resolution
89 (1)
committee floor amendment adopting by, redrafting
by legislative reference bureau 53 (3)
committee reports out only if adoption recommended
18 (3)
conference report and attachments
not amendable, see Joint Rule 3 (3)
considered on 2nd reading of proposal
corrective, by committee on assembly organization
23 (2), (3)
definition of “amendment"
95 (4)
delete and substitute, proposition indivisible
80 (3)
division, when improper 80 (2)
floor amendments, corrections in
53 (3)
list of amendments which are
54 (4)
list of assembly amendments which are not
54 (3)
history file to show name of member or committee
sponsoring 53 (1)
how offered by committee 18 (2), 53 (3)
in order on 2nd reading and before engrossment
52 (1)
in 3rd degree not accepted 52 (2)
may be offered on motion to fix time to which adjournment
is taken 70 (2)
may be revived by assembly while proposal is in
amendable stage 18 (3), 47 (2)
must be germane to proposal, see Germaneness of amendments
not permitted on resolution by committee on rules
for special order 33 (2)
numbering of 53 (1)
point of order under advisement:
removes amendment from consideration 62 (3)(b)
presentation of floor amendments
53 (2), (3)
presented to chief clerk in proper form
provision of 53
reading at length, required when not provided
35 (2)
reconsideration of, proper only after reconsideration
of final action on proposal at that stage 73 (4)(c)
rejected, not to be reoffered on same proposal
49 (1)(b)
revival by assembly when committee does not
recommend adoption 18 (3), 47 (2)
precedence of motion for 65 (2)(f)
senate amendment to assembly proposal
52 (2)(b)
simple, sequence of considering
55 (1)(d), (2)(b)
substitute, see Substitute amendment
to motion, to be germane 68
to substitute amendment, how considered
55 (2)(a)
when offered 52 (1), 53
withdrawn and returned to author
66 (1)(g)
Announcement of public hearing
14 (2)
Anti-harassment and ethics training
Appeal (definition) 95 (5)
from ruling of presiding officer (roll call required)
62 (7)
not permitted on presiding officer's announcing
order members to speak 56 (2)
Appointment of employees of officers
and members of assembly 7 (1)
Appointment of representatives, chief clerk reports
5 (1)(k)
Assembly chamber (definition)
95 (6)
Assembly citation, see Certificate 97
Assembly organization, committee on
9 (3)
approves employee pay plan for assembly
7 (2)
corrective amendment offered by
23 (2)
engrossing or enrolling of proposal,
supervises 5 (1)(e), 23 (2), (3)
examines appropriateness of legislative citation
joint resolution to recall proposal (after passage)
for further action 23 (3)
permitted to introduce proposals in special, extended, or
extraordinary session 93 (2)
staffing pattern, establishes for assembly
7 (4)
substantive corrections in proposal
23 (2), (3)
supervises copying for assembly
Assembly privilege 61 (1)